Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!

This past saturday, my nephew Jack turned 3!!! I can't believe it. He's growing up so fast. He is such an active little guy and is talking sooo well! He says the cutest little things. We love him so much and are so blessed to have such a sweet little angel in our family. Happy Birthday Jack!!! Amanda always has such a cute birthday party for him. This year the theme was bugs. He was so worried about the balloons at the beginning and didn't want them to blow away so they had to put them in. He was so excited for all the gifts and to have everyone there. It was so fun to get together and celebrate!

Digging for presents!

Jack with the giggles =)
Rolling around in all his fun stuff!Jack and meJack and Cass
Lighting the candles, Jack was so excited
Cass Jack and Amanda
Blowing out his candles, the moment he was so excited for!
Bry and Ty throwing the football...again
He's a good little golfer!
The Hiltons
Cass, Amanda and Jack/Ty and I/Niel, Stacey and Taylor/ Dad, Grandma, Aunt Charisse and Ben
The Maxfields
Grandma Hilton, Me and Jack
He's a little model!

Labor Day Weekend at the Ranch!!

We went up to my mom and Kelly's place in Idaho for labor day weekend. We spent Saturday in Lava at the pool and then went down the river. I didn't get any pictures of the pool :( but it was really fun. Bryan went off the top platform 3 times I think. Ty went with him once. Ty and I went off the middle one and that was enough for me. I'm a whimp now! I used to go off them all when I was little, I don't know what happened to me. They have new speed slides that look fun from the bottom, but once I got to the top it didn't look fun at all. I thought I was going to have a panic attack or faint up there, so I wussed out and went back down. The sad thing is my mom went. When we had enough of the pool, we went to float down the river. It was pretty fun. Cold, but fun! Then we just had a relaxing weekend at the ranch. We hung out and played games and went to church up there and had a camp fire. It's really pretty and calm up there. We love going as much as we can!

Ty and I (and Bryan's fingers) at the fire roasting marshmallows
Kelly, Bryan and Ty
Bryan and Ty throwing the ball
Bug spray!!!

Floating down the river!!!

Cute life jackets huh??