Thursday, May 3, 2012

Addalie's Birth Story

This is long so I apologize!  I was due on April 2nd and showing NO signs of labor!  I went for my regular weekly appointment on March 28th and had my membranes stripped but still had no signs of labor.  The following day, Ty came home and told me that his employer informed him that they would be changing our insurance effective April that meant that we would have to reach TWO max out of pockets!!!  I was sick to my stomach and couldn't believe what horrible timing this was happening.  I decided that first thing the next morning, I would call and just ask if my doctor would be willing to induce me so that we can be done with the delivery/hospital stay before our insurance switched.  I was pretty sure she would tell me no but still thought I would give it a shot.  I called and left a message early on March 30th and then headed to drop Ty off at work and go about my day.  Right when we pulled into Ty's office my doctor called me back and told me to head to the hospital!  Ty and I looked at each other and didn't know what to say!  The reality that we would be having a baby that day was not setting in very quickly!  We went in to the hospital, got admitted and hooked up to pitocin somewhere around's all sort of a blur!  Since I was planning on going natural, I was nervous about the pitocin because I had heard that it makes contractions harder but I REALLY wanted to go natural.  Contractions started right away but weren't horrible.  My doctor came in and broke my water somewhere around 1:30 I believe.  Then the contractions got HARD!!!  I asked my doctor to guess what time I would have Addalie and she told me she thought I would have her by midnight.  The contractions just kept getting harder and closer together and pretty soon I was not getting more than what felt like 10 seconds in between.  But I just knew that I couldn't give myself the option of even considering an epidural.  I never considered getting one for those that have wondered :)  I just went back and forth between standing, laying, sitting in the rocking chair and sitting on the workout ball.  My nurse and Ty were both INCREDIBLE.  Ty was with me through every single contraction reminding me to breathe and relax.  I remember at about 6:00 I kept saying "I can't do this till midnight!"  My contractions at that point were horrible.  I was gagging and dry heaving through every contraction and my eyes were rolling to the back of my head.  I wanted to push so bad, I could just feel her coming out haha!  My nurse wouldn't let me push because it would cause tearing so those last few contractions before pushing were pretty rough.  Around 6:30 my doctor came in and said that it was time to push!!!  I was sooo happy.  I will never forget the look on Ty's face when she told me it was time.  He looked at me and said " We're going to have a baby.  You are the most amazing woman in the entire world, I love you so much."  My mom says I was pushing for quite a while but once I started pushing I felt like it went pretty fast.  It was such a relief to finally be able to push.  Addalie's cord was wrapped around her neck twice but the doctor quickly fixed that and she was born at 7:00 pm (and 15 seconds according to Ty) weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/2 inches long.  Giving birth to Addalie was the most amazing experience.  It was so spiritual and brought Ty and I so much closer together.  I will have to create another post of it's own about our sweet Addalie.  We love her more than any words can ever express.  I never imagined being a mom could be so incredible, but I've always wanted to be a mom and I'm so blessed to have her.  I'm so grateful for Ty.  He is such a great husband and daddy.  He loves us so much and he works so hard to take care of us.  Another post is soon to come to tell you all about what it's been like since we've been home with our Addalie!  

PS- Sorry for all the typos that I'm sure are in here.  My blogging time is little bug needs me!