Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our Very First Tree!!

For the last 2 months I've been sooo excited about getting our first Christmas tree! I kept saying "we have to go get one as soon as Thanksgiving is over!" So of course, as soon as Thanksgiving was over, we went to get one! We had a lot of fun picking one out and decorating it. We couldn't be too picky because we have a really low ceiling, so we picked the best one we could find out of the little ones. It's not soaking up any water and it kinda looks dry, so hopefully it will hang on! I love the Christmas season and I'm so excited it is here! We're so excited to spend our first Christmas together and be in our little apartment. We can't go too crazy obviously but we're just excited to spend it together. We're so grateful for so many things, especially this year. We've learned a lot about appreciating the things we have and we definitely do appreciate all that we have.

We found the one!
Ty working his magic...while I sit back and watch (not a rare thing)
Our finished tree! ( I DID help)We're so excited...well at least I am. Ty's being a good sport as always though