Monday, March 11, 2013

RevvLean!!! *Weight Loss* ~Getting Fit~

Okie Dokie! So I have had an OVERWHELMING amount of people contacting me asking what I've done to lose weight since I posted my before/after pictures this past weekend.  I want to get back to each of you personally but there are just so many of you that I feel this is the best way to properly address all of your questions.  If you have more questions, PLEASE PLEASE contact me and I would be thrilled to answer any that I don't address on this post!

First of all let me give you a little background.  I have always been overweight.  Literally, my entire life.  I never realized how much of an emtional eater I was.  But I realize now that I was clearly eating my feelings away.  In some ways, I was never quite able to get out my feelings and emotions as a child so I guess I just ate a lot of yummy food.  Well those habits just continued.  I danced all my life.  When I was on the drill team in high school, I was dancing hours on end.  Though, I was at my thinnest when I was on drill, I was still overweight.  A few months ago I started telling myself that it would be okay if I was a little overweight.  That I would just always be a little overweight but that I could still be a good person, people could still like me and I could still be fun/funny etc.....

But I knew deep down that I wasn't okay with that.  I wanted to look good/feel good.  Many of you know that my husband is involved with a network marketing company called RevvNRG.  They make an all natural/healthy energy drink and several other products that we absolutely love.  This company has been an incredible blessing in our lives.  We found out in January that they had come out with a product called RevvLean.  It is a wellness shake.  It can be used as a meal replacement shake, snack replacement, pre workout, post workout, protein...however you choose to use it.  I decided I NEEDED to try it.  We are going to Cabo in April with a lot of people from Ty's work.  Very wealthy people with very hott wives.  I DO NOT want to be the fatty on the trip.  So I set some goals.  I wrote out dates of each monday from January 7th, till May.  My goal was to lose 1.5 lbs each week until I reached my goal weight.  My goal weight was a weight that I haven't weighed since elementary school.  So....deep down I worried I was setting myself up for failure.  But I just wanted it so bad this time.  I was ready to change my life for real. 

On January 7th, I changed my life but I didn't know it yet.  I changed my eating habbits.  It wasn't easy.  Oh it was so hard!  I had cravings and all I thought about was food.  I was dreaming of chocolate cake and I would wake up feeling so fat and thinking I really ate all that cake. 

I began eating about 5-6 times a day.  I basically try to eat every 2-3 hours.  I would drink RevvLean once or twice a day out of those 5-6 times that I ate.  (still doing so) Each time I eat, I try to eat some source of lean protein.  Some things would be RevvLean, chicken, turkey, tuna, whey protein, cottage cheese, greek yogurt.  I also try to eat a lot more green veggies than I have ever eaten.  I significantly reduced the amount of grains/starches I was consuming.  I also had no idea the amount of sugar and sodium I was regularly taking in.  Once I became aware of those things, I changed them quickly because I realized they were keeping me from dropping the weight I wanted to.  I also try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.

My workouts were nothing complicated.  I bought a pull up bar, dumbbells and a yoga ball.  My in-laws are kind enough to be letting me use their treadmill also.  So, I would do some form of weights.  Things such as supersets, squats, lunges, burpees, push ups, crunches, sit ups, lateral raises, curls, chest press, (cheater) pull ups....and then I would follow my weights with about 20 minutes of interval training on the treadmill. 

My life has significantly changed.  I enjoy being healthy now and I don't view it as a diet.  I view this as a lifestyle change.  RevvLean helped me sooo much!!!  I would love to share it with all of you and plan on having a party soon to let you come and learn more about what it is and taste it.  You can do so many things with it.  It is a great source of protein.  It's low in calories, carbs and fats and has no sugar! It has Raspberry Ketones.  Please watch the Dr. Oz video about Raspberry Ketones!  They're like a miracle worker when it comes to burning fat!  RevvLean also has Sensoril and Optiberry.  They can do soooo many great things for you!  They help with stress, fatigue, heart, skin, brain and eye health.  It can help with urinary tract (not to give tmi but I need that because I'm constantly getting infections and I haven't had a single infection since I started drinking it)

I have tons of great recipes if you prefer some extra calories, but it's also great with water or any milk that you prefer drinking! 

So RevvNrg created what they call a 60 day Get Slim Transformation.  They call it a transformation instead of a challenge because they don't want it to be some crazy weight loss contest.  They want people making healthy changes in their lives that get them closer and closer to the healthy lifestyle that we should all be living. 

I participated in the Transformation and I was able to lose 22.8 lbs and 4.5 inches around my waist in 60 days!!! 

This stuff is so great!  

I never went hungry, I wasn't starving myself, I wasn't doing Insanity workouts or any crazy extreme workouts!  I was doing simple exercises for about 30 minutes a day, about 4 days a week.  Sometiems more, sometimes less.  But I'm a mom with a crazy life and I feel like I'm always scrambling to get things done. So I would do my best to workout when I could.  I changed simple things in my eating habbits.  AGAIN!  I didn't do anything extreme.  Just changed some bad habbits. 

I'm not to my goal yet.  I still have work to do!  But this is the progress I made in 60 days. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Addalie's Birth Story

This is long so I apologize!  I was due on April 2nd and showing NO signs of labor!  I went for my regular weekly appointment on March 28th and had my membranes stripped but still had no signs of labor.  The following day, Ty came home and told me that his employer informed him that they would be changing our insurance effective April that meant that we would have to reach TWO max out of pockets!!!  I was sick to my stomach and couldn't believe what horrible timing this was happening.  I decided that first thing the next morning, I would call and just ask if my doctor would be willing to induce me so that we can be done with the delivery/hospital stay before our insurance switched.  I was pretty sure she would tell me no but still thought I would give it a shot.  I called and left a message early on March 30th and then headed to drop Ty off at work and go about my day.  Right when we pulled into Ty's office my doctor called me back and told me to head to the hospital!  Ty and I looked at each other and didn't know what to say!  The reality that we would be having a baby that day was not setting in very quickly!  We went in to the hospital, got admitted and hooked up to pitocin somewhere around's all sort of a blur!  Since I was planning on going natural, I was nervous about the pitocin because I had heard that it makes contractions harder but I REALLY wanted to go natural.  Contractions started right away but weren't horrible.  My doctor came in and broke my water somewhere around 1:30 I believe.  Then the contractions got HARD!!!  I asked my doctor to guess what time I would have Addalie and she told me she thought I would have her by midnight.  The contractions just kept getting harder and closer together and pretty soon I was not getting more than what felt like 10 seconds in between.  But I just knew that I couldn't give myself the option of even considering an epidural.  I never considered getting one for those that have wondered :)  I just went back and forth between standing, laying, sitting in the rocking chair and sitting on the workout ball.  My nurse and Ty were both INCREDIBLE.  Ty was with me through every single contraction reminding me to breathe and relax.  I remember at about 6:00 I kept saying "I can't do this till midnight!"  My contractions at that point were horrible.  I was gagging and dry heaving through every contraction and my eyes were rolling to the back of my head.  I wanted to push so bad, I could just feel her coming out haha!  My nurse wouldn't let me push because it would cause tearing so those last few contractions before pushing were pretty rough.  Around 6:30 my doctor came in and said that it was time to push!!!  I was sooo happy.  I will never forget the look on Ty's face when she told me it was time.  He looked at me and said " We're going to have a baby.  You are the most amazing woman in the entire world, I love you so much."  My mom says I was pushing for quite a while but once I started pushing I felt like it went pretty fast.  It was such a relief to finally be able to push.  Addalie's cord was wrapped around her neck twice but the doctor quickly fixed that and she was born at 7:00 pm (and 15 seconds according to Ty) weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/2 inches long.  Giving birth to Addalie was the most amazing experience.  It was so spiritual and brought Ty and I so much closer together.  I will have to create another post of it's own about our sweet Addalie.  We love her more than any words can ever express.  I never imagined being a mom could be so incredible, but I've always wanted to be a mom and I'm so blessed to have her.  I'm so grateful for Ty.  He is such a great husband and daddy.  He loves us so much and he works so hard to take care of us.  Another post is soon to come to tell you all about what it's been like since we've been home with our Addalie!  

PS- Sorry for all the typos that I'm sure are in here.  My blogging time is little bug needs me! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Home Owners?????

Ty and I are currently renting an apartment in Farmington. Because he just started a new job in July that is a commission paying job, we didn't think we would be able to buy a house for 2 more years. I was fine with staying in our apartment and accepted the fact that it would be a couple more years before we would get a home of our own. In probably the first week of November, Ty told me that we would be able to qualify for a loan and asked if I would be interested in starting a search for a house. For some reason, initially, I had zero interest in searching!! But obviously the idea of it wore off on me really quick! The next day, he text me and said "What do you think about buying a house in Stansbury Park?" Uhhhh.....I said "Do you have any idea where that is and how far away it is??" He told me that he had mapquested it and it was the exact same distance from Stansbury Park to his office as it is from Farmington to his office. After about a day, I warmed up to the idea and we just started looking at some homes online. The next week we went and looked at 4 houses. There was one we hadn't seen online but our realtor saw it and wanted to show it to us. It was the 2nd house we looked at. The first one we looked at was okay and I could picture us in it but I didn't love it. But I immediately fell in love with the 2nd home. I looked in 2 rooms and said "I love it." I really loved pretty much every single thing about the home and liked the feel of the neighborhood. We made an offer on the house the next day and then a day later we were under contract! We are scheduled to close on December 8th and planing on moving on December 10th! I'm so excited to have a home and to be able to paint/ decorate our baby's room however we want to! I don't have pictures, but will post some soon!

Oh baby!!!!!

I thought I would write about our little bun in the oven :).......

Ty and I decided to start trying to get pregnant in October of 2009. After about six months, I started getting really anxious about it and all the emotions began. At times I was sad, sometimes I'd be mad. I just kept thinking there are so many people in the world that don't want babies that are getting pregnant and there are so many people in the world that would be great parents and I don't understand why they can't have babies. Obviously, at the time, I couldn't just accept that it wasn't the right time for us to have a baby yet and when Heavenly Father felt we were ready, he would bless us with a baby.

In April of 2011, my doctor decided to run some tests and determined that along with not having a regular cycle (sorry if TMI), I was not ovulating either. So she prescribed me Provera and Clomid. She said that if I wasn't pregnant afer 6 months, that she would have to send me to a fertility clinic and I could explore some other options. The first month of taking Provera and Clomid was quite the roller coaster!! My poor husband!!! I think (or hope) I wasn't mean....but I sure was emotional! I swear I developed a severe separation anxiety and I was ALWAYS worried. Those of you that know me, know I'm constantly worrying anyway. I would cry all the time!!! Ty had to go out of town for I think it was just a night or two and my poor mom and sister-in law, Amanda! They had to occupy every waking moment I had away from him!

May came, negative pregnancy test. June came, negative pregnancy test. I had seen dozens of negative pregnancy tests by this point! July 25th came and it was the day I was supposed to call my doctor and get my next months dose of drugs if I wasn't pregnant. I was just sure I wasn't pregnant because I didn't feel any different and my ovulation tests that month were all negative. But I figured I better just take the test anyway so I can call the doctor. I took the test, set it on the counter and went about washing my hands. As I went to walk out of the bathroom, I glanced at the test and saw a SECOND LINE appearing......WHAT THE HECK?! Obviously I've NEVER seen a second line!!

Ty had walked out the door just 5 minutes ago for I'm sure he was thinking I was a weirdo when I called him. I think this is what I said..."BABE!!! I just took a pregnancy test and there are two lines!!!!!!! He said "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I said "I don't know! I think so! I've never seen two lines! I think that's what it means!!!" Ty said "We're having a baby!!" I immediately took another one and it also had two lines! I think I then called my sister in law, Amanda and she screamed! Then I called my mom and then my best friend Bridget. I just couldn't believe I could possibly be pregnant! So of course I had to take a total of 4 tests just to make sure! Well, the rest is history :)

I'm 22 weeks pregnant and my due date is April 2nd! I'm so so so grateful that Heavenly Father has given us the opportunity to be parents and I can already feel her sweet spirit and I love her so much. It just makes me cry when I think about being a mommy and holding our sweet little angel in my arms. The pregnancy is going well and mommy and baby are healthy!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm Back!!!!!!!

Wow I can't believe I'm blogging again! I don't really have a lot of blogger friends, but the ones I do have give me a hard time for never blogging! So here I am trying to figure out what to blog about :)

Things with Ty and I are really good! I can't think of anything major that has happened. We are living in an apartment in Farmington and I really like it. Ty and I are both still working. My clientelle is growing and I'm enjoying doing nails. Shellac nails are HUGE right now! If you haven't at least tried them, you NEED to! Shellac is a great gel polish. It comes in lots of cute colors! I think people love it for many reasons, but a few are that since it's a gel polish, it lasts longer than a regular nail polish. It's cured in a UV lamp, so when you leave your nails are completely dry and you don't have to worry about any smudging and it doesn't chip like regular polish. So basically you get a really cute, shiny polish on your nails for 2 weeks or longer!!

Ty has been working sooo hard on his business and it is paying off. He is a professional network marketer and he is in a company called RevvNRG. They make an all natural energy drink. It's a great product that's healthy and you don't get a crash!! I know that mlms and network marketers/network marketing companies don't always have the greatest reputation, but there really are great companies out there and professional people taking it serious and treating it as a career. My husband is one of those hard workers. We both believe in network marketing so much and we're so grateful to have come across this company. Ty has an amazing mentor and we're surrounded by so many great leaders and great people. I've watched Ty grow so much over the last 2 years since he started. I love that along with growing in his career, he has also grown so much as a husband and as a person. We've made some pretty big sacrifices since we chose to get into network marketing. It takes time and you have to take it serious and spend time on it and be willing to change and grow. I don't get to spend a whole lot of time with Ty, but I know that it will all be worth it. And this whole experience has just made us appreciate each other and any time we get with each other even more. I love him so much and I'm so grateful for how hard he is working and for his desire to be a provider for our family.

So that's that. Haha! Hopefully some exciting things will be happening that I can post. Summer is coming so there will be pictures to come :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our Very First Tree!!

For the last 2 months I've been sooo excited about getting our first Christmas tree! I kept saying "we have to go get one as soon as Thanksgiving is over!" So of course, as soon as Thanksgiving was over, we went to get one! We had a lot of fun picking one out and decorating it. We couldn't be too picky because we have a really low ceiling, so we picked the best one we could find out of the little ones. It's not soaking up any water and it kinda looks dry, so hopefully it will hang on! I love the Christmas season and I'm so excited it is here! We're so excited to spend our first Christmas together and be in our little apartment. We can't go too crazy obviously but we're just excited to spend it together. We're so grateful for so many things, especially this year. We've learned a lot about appreciating the things we have and we definitely do appreciate all that we have.

We found the one!
Ty working his magic...while I sit back and watch (not a rare thing)
Our finished tree! ( I DID help)We're so excited...well at least I am. Ty's being a good sport as always though

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I'm terrible at updates I know.....but I only like updating when I have a picture to go with it, and I don't have pictures! So I am sad but it's been a long time so I figured I better. Ty and I are back to CHAOS since my last post! He is now going to school and working full time. The poor guy is exhausted!!! He leaves when it's dark and get's home when it's dark. I'm working now as well so we don't see each other much but I'm told it's all worth it one day. I've finished school FINALLY, and am just getting ready to take my state tests next week, wish me luck!!! Once I pass my state tests I'll start working at the salon! It will be fun to have a good balance between the two jobs. I'll be working about 25 hours a week at both jobs so we'll see how long I can handle 50 hours a week!!!! I just really want to dive into the salon so I can get a clientele built up. The faster I have my clientele, the faster I can quit my other job....obviously. So we're just really working hard at getting some money saved up so we can work on getting a house! We're excited to have a place of our own, it'll be really fun. We're still not sure where we'll end up though!! I love South Carolina, but we'll see...we might all just have to be surprised! Oh yeah, and Ty has this new thing for HGTV. It's kinda cute :) He's so excited to have a house and use all his fun ideas he's collecting from HG! It's our new favorite. On weekends when we get to just sit and relax and most people would watch a movie....we watch HGTV!! So anyway....we're doing great! I am so grateful for Ty and his commitment and hard work! He NEVER complains. I wish he would sometimes. He's a hard worker and is so dedicated to reaching the goals that he and I have set. I'm just enjoying every minute of life. I love Ty VERY VERY much and can't believe we've almost been married 9 months!!!!!!!!! Time flies!